MD, President VitaSalus

After graduating from medical school, spent several years working in humanitarian/mission work in Africa before moving to Europe where he co-founded the Portuguese Association of Preventive Medicine and the VitaSalus Lifestyle Center. He is a firm believer in Jesus Christ. Presently also serves as Director of Health Ministries at the Inter-European Division. Has a passion to turn complex health information into simple principles and share it with the public in general. Besides lifestyle medicine, his medical field of interest is the brain, namely, the development of thoughts and emotions and its application in the treatment of anxiety and depression.

Nurse, Teacher

Cristina studied theology in Collonges and completed her Nursing studies in Belgium. Since her conversion at the age of 18, she has desired to serve God as a missionary. She travelled to several countries in Europe and Chad. In 2016 she took the medical missionary training in Weimar, California. Cristina was responsible for the NEW START center of influence in Aveiro until 2019. Since then, she has served as a Program Coordinator, Nurse and Massage Therapist at the VitaSalus Lifestyle Center in Portugal.

School Director

Ela holds a BA in Nutrition and has completed her studies as an Emergency Medical Technician. After her conversion to Jesus Christ in 2008, Ela desired to live a meaningful life attesting to God’s goodness. Since then she had the opportunity to serve as a Bible instructor and more recently as a School Director for AFCOE Europe and the LIFE Course. Along with her deep passion for sharing God’s love, Ela enjoys exploring and sharing the simple yet powerful principles of true healing. Her biggest dream is to be part of a self-sustaining community and to see Jesus Christ return in our generation.

Outreach Coordinator

Mariana holds a B.Sc. in Economics. In 2013 Mariana took the best decision ever: accepting Jesus Christ in her life. Since then, she has begun a beautiful journey of discovering God’s true character and experiencing the many blessings that come with it. In 2018 she attended the AFCOE Europe school and since then she has served as a therapist in different Lifestyle Centers. Her biggest dream is found in Luke 10:27 – to love the Lord her God with all her heart, with all her soul, with all her strength and with all her mind, and her neighbor as herself.

Practical Work Department

Tom has an academic background in social studies and professional training in permaculture. In 2014 Tom’s life took a complete turn when he found out that Jesus had come to save him and to give a new meaning to his existence. He is a man of bright smile and warm conversations, ever eager to meet another stranger and share that which has changed him. He has a real interest in people and their life stories. A permaculture enthusiast, with a dynamic and active personality, you will often find him outdoors, working in the garden and drawing precious lessons about the love of God.

MD,  Teacher 

Nuno graduated as a doctor from Lisbon School of Medicine in 2008. He then specialized in orthopedic surgery in 2016. Currently, also works at VitaSalus as a doctor focusing in lifestyle medicine. Has served the church through the pathfinder ministry and the family ministries. He is also involved with ASI Portugal.